Goal Setting Business New Coach

Goal Setting Business New Coach 2018-06-10T21:24:49+00:00

Goal Setting: Business New Coach

Coaches and CEOs that set goals tend to have a much higher rate of success. Making goals and taking ACTION in this business and personally (BOTH) will make you.

Today’s Goals

  1. Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals
  2. Goal designing guidelines
  3. Writing down goals
  4. Set Emerald Goal Achievement Date
  5. Set Goal date of 12 month consecutively in making success club

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Setting Goals

Top-level athletes, successful business-people and achievers in all fields all set goals. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life.

As you make goals keep this in mind your business will become successful as you shift your mindset from I should do this to: I MUST DO THIS!



I MUST … will produce the results and achieve the goals you have set for yourself personally and in your business.

1. Build Great Relationships
2. Hit Success Club
3. Rank Advance to Emerald
4. Run Kick Ass Success Groups


What is SMART goal setting?

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Attainable

R: Relevant

T: Timely


Anything is possible with the right mindset and movement towards your goals! Think about anything you were successful, how great it felt to thrive and how you had a plan that you had a vision and took relentless action towards. Same with coaching! I say this because I want this probably more for you then you do! I truly see your potential and want you to stop limiting yourself.

Today’s training is all about getting real and clear with your personal goals, and then writing them down so you can begin to make a plan to take Unbreakable consistent action towards them.

Lets begin with this video regarding setting S.M.A.R.T. goals.



Author of the Compound Effect, Darin Hardy, is an expert on goal setting.  If you have not read it or listened on audio books it’s a MUST.

Here are his tips on goal setting

Subtle and seemingly inconsequential adjustments transform wishes and aspirations into results.

  • Don’t Just Think It—INK IT

The weakest ink has more strength than the strongest mind. Goals often get lost in the shuffle and excitement of new problems, challenges and decisions unless you write down your goals, Eliminate outside interruptions and chaos- make them clear- write them down

  • Suspend Reality

Real life or what we think is real life can give our vision boundaries. Greatness lies beyond boundaries. Play in the “what is no one was looking” world. Let the being that is suppressed inside you out to play.

What if you possessed and an infinite amount of y skill, resources or abilities in the world, what would you do? What would you set out to accomplish? Filtering and judging will limit you. In order to create YOUR greatness you have to see it.. then walk past the boundary between you and that greatness

Bottom line “think past your boundaries that’s where it all begins” and you were warned Don’t set boundaries on me!

**Important—you are not committing yourself to everything, or anything, you write down at first. You are brainstorming, getting it out there and letting out your imagination to start to get clear with your vision. At some point to separate out the outrageous, but to start, just begin to write.  If a genie popped out of a lamp and could grant you 10 wishes in every one of the categories, what would you write down? Time to find out!

  • Think Big

Small is not an option! Give yourself permission to see and dream big, risk big.

  • Stay in the Positive

Decide what you want to move toward, not away from.

The past will play a part in your success but not at this moment- forget get. What are you moving to, not away from.

Examples: “I am my ideal weight of X lbs. by X date,” versus “I want to lose 20 lbs, I need to lose the 20 lbs I gained” Or, “I have a positive net worth of X by X date,” versus “I want to get out of debt.” Or, “I have a loving, respectful and intimate relationship with my wife,” versus “I want to repair my marriage.”

  • State in the “I am”

They call it the present because it’s a gift! State in the present first person. I am X, versus I want X. The latter only reinforces the wanting versus the having. If you write a goal like, “I want to be a millionaire,” your creative energy will only produce exactly more of that outcome—the wanting of being a millionaire. If you say, “I am a millionaire by December 31, 2014,” your creative power will go to work on producing what you have declared to be true.

  • Be Sure They Are YOUR Goals

Successful people are successful because they live for their goals, not someone elses’s. Don’t let your family’s, colleagues’ or society’s ideals or expectations and influence dictate your ambitions. If your written goals are not from your true heart and inner ambition, your creative visions will not work to produce them. All that will do is frustrate you. Giving you the illusion that you are a failure and not capable. Failure and not capable of something you never wanted anyways.



Next… go to pages in your Unbreakable new coach workbook. Fill out your goals in each category!

These goals will include charitable, spiritual, health, career, and adventure. Be sure to expand upon these goals to include your family, relationship, and financial goals.

Where do you want to be as a coach? Think BIG

Why type of opportunities do you want this job to bring you?


1) I am an emerald coach by _______ date
2) I drink my shakeology every day and share about it.
3) I lose _____ lbs during my first 21 day challenge.
4) I achieve success club 5 every month for 12 months by _____date
5) I post on my social media 2 times per day, every day, for the next month.

Once completed SHARE your top 10 goals with your coach sponsor along with a screen shot of your completed goal guide

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